URL Aliases/ Paths

By default, each page will automatically be assigned a url based on its title or unique identifier.  To override it:

  1. Click the URL path settings tab at the bottom left of the content editing screen.
  2. Uncheck Generate automatic url alias.
  3. Type in the url alias/path, relative to the site root.  (for example, if the page is supposed to be http://www.myschool.edu/about/degree-programs, you would set the url alias to be “about/degree-programs
  4. Note:  for sites with Redirect modules enabled, url-redirects may automatically be created each time a piece of content's url alias/path is modified.  This may result in unintentional redirection of pages or append a number to the url alias assigned.  If this occurs, go to Configuration > Search and Metadata > URL Aliases and search for all aliases pointing to the specific node (by unique identifier).  Delete the excess/duplicate entries.

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